Dried Herbs & Fruits


Tilia (Linden Flowers)

Tilia is a genus of the family Tiliaceae. They are generally called lime in Britain and linden or basswood in North America. Active ingredients in the Tilia flowers include flavonoids (which act as antioxidants), volatile oils, and mucilaginous constituents (which soothe and reduce inflammation).

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Dried Fig

Fig (Ficus carica) is a large, deciduous shrub or small tree native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region. Dried figs are richest in fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamin K and have a laxative effect and contain many antioxidants.

Tavşan Memesi

Ruscus Aculeatus

Ruscus aculeatus is a low evergreen Eurasian shrub also known as Butcher's broom. It has been known to enhance blood flow to the brain, legs, and hands. It has been used to relieve constipation and water retention and improve circulation. It is also used for hemorrhoids.

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Raisins are dried grapes. Raisins range from about 67-72% sugars by weight, most of which is fructose and glucose. They also contain about 3% protein and 3.5% dietary fiber. Raisins are also high in certain antioxidants and are low in sodium and contain no cholesterol.