Our new pulse products available to order now!

September 5, 2011
Our new beans, chickpeas, red/green lentils, baldo rice and other pulse products are available to order now. Our New products: Locally grown white chickpeas (11, 12 mm), locally grown green lentil (6, 6,5, 7 mm), locally grown red lentil, özmenler brand wheat, lux osmancık brand rice.
"My Account" section on our website is open now!

August 29, 2011
"My Account" section on our website is now open for our existing customers! Our customers can view their current account balance, latest transactions and order new products from our website. If you're an existing customer and would like to activate your account to use our "My Account" system on the web, please contact one of our representative.
Follow Korcan on Facebook & Twitter!

August 28, 2011
Korcan is on Facebook and Twitter! Now, you can "Like" us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. You can get the latest news and products about our company on the famous social networking sites. Please follow the links on our web pages to see our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Our brand new website is open to our visitors and customers!

August 26, 2011
After a long and intensive work, our website, Korcan.com.tr, is now open to our customers and visitors. Our website uses latest modern technologies and available in Turkish and English. It's been designed to be 100% compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Symbian mobile devices and other web browsers.
Our new factory is now open and will produce dried herbs & fruits!

September 15, 2010
Our new factory is now open! Our factory is based on 3,000 square meter in Karaman region and will produce dried herbs & fruits.